lunes, 12 de octubre de 2020

Connecting places


Language level: Intermediate (B2) - Advanced (C1-C2)

Learner type: Teens and adults

Time: 110 minutes

Topic: Locations and Cultures

Skills: Listening, speaking and writing

Materials: Love Sarah. Official UK trailer, THE LONDON GUIDE | Notting Hill.


  • Step 1: ask your students to watch the trailer and think of the following questions:

  • What kind of film is it?

  • Where is the film set?

  • Can you imagine the plot?

  • Step 2: finding out more about Notting Hill. Let's start knowing the place where this film was set, a little bit better. Ask your students to watch the episode about Notting Hill from the London Guide and write four new things they have learned about this quarter in London.

  • Step 3: watch the episode as many times as necessary and ask your students to think and answer these questions:

  • Do you know any other places that remind you of Notting Hill? 

  • Why do you think they are similar? 

  • Can you think of locations near you where films have been set? Why were the locations chosen by the film crew?

  • Step 4: next, ask your students to plan a paragraph about a location nearby where a film has been set. Explain the features of the location, what film was set there, when it was made, who played in it, the reasons for the choice of location, and so forth. Talk about the location too and if you'd recommend it to visitors and to other film directors. Back up your answers.

  • Step 5: Finally, when their draft is ready, ask them to record a video clip with their outcome. You may have to set up recording devices and/or digital sites for your students to record and share, such as FlipGrid, WeVideo, Loom or any others you usually use.

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