viernes, 16 de octubre de 2020

Ordering coffee and cakes at Love Sarah


Language level: Elementary (A1) 

Learner type: Teens and adults

Time: 50 minutes

Topic: Food and drinks

Skills: Speaking

Materials: worksheet below


  • Step 1: Pair students up and tell them to ask these two questions to their mate: ‘What kind of cakes do you like to eat? What kind of coffee do you drink?

  • Step 2: Then, provide the pairs with this practice conversation and ask them to read it together, changing roles:

Ordering at Love Sarah

Mimi:  Good morning! Can I take your order?

Mum: Yes. Could I have a capuccino?

Mimi: Sure. What size would you like?

Mum: Er...tall please. And I’ll have a strawberry macaron.

Mimi: OK. That’ll be £6.50 altogether.

Mum: Here’s £10.

Mimi: And here’s your change. Have a nice day!

  • Step 3: give the following roleplay cards to new pairs. Let them read the cards and solve any doubts regarding vocabulary. They should practise all four conversations, and then change roles.

  • Step 4: make new pairs again and provide them with the ‘Love Sarah Menu’ below. Ask them to take turns playing the customer and barista, using the menu to help them order. Make sure they do not look at the previous dialogue when speaking.

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